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Study in Germany on a Budget: Tips for International Students

Studying abroad is a dream for many students around the world. Germany is a popular destination for international students due to its world-class education system, diverse culture, and affordable living costs. However, it can still be expensive to study in Germany, especially for international students who may have to pay higher tuition fees. In this blog post, we will share some tips on how to study in Germany on a budget.

Research Scholarships and Grants

Many universities in Germany offer scholarships and grants to international students. It is important to do your research and find out what kind of scholarships are available and what their requirements are. You can find information about scholarships on the university website or by contacting the International Office. Additionally, you can also look for external scholarships from organizations or foundations that support international students.

Choose Affordable Accommodation

One of the biggest expenses for students in Germany is accommodation. However, there are affordable options available such as student dormitories, shared apartments, or homestays. You can find information about accommodation options on the university website or through online portals such as WG-Gesucht or Studenten-WG. It is important to book your accommodation early to secure a spot and avoid higher prices.

Use Public Transportation

Public transportation in Germany is efficient and affordable. Many cities have discounted student tickets or semester tickets that allow unlimited travel within the city. You can save money by using public transportation instead of taxis or renting a car.

If you are a new student in Germany and do not speak fluent German yet, we can help you navigate the German bureaucracy. You can book a bilingual helper to accompany you to appointments or to make phone calls requiring German for you.

Cook Your Own Meals

Eating out in Germany can be expensive, especially in big cities. However, you can save money by cooking your own meals. Many universities have shared kitchens for students to use, and there are also affordable supermarkets such as Aldi or Lidl. Cooking your own meals is also a great way to experience German culture and try new recipes.

Take Advantage of Student Discounts

Many museums, theaters, and cultural events in Germany offer student discounts. It is important to always carry your student ID with you and ask for discounts when purchasing tickets. Additionally, many restaurants and cafes offer student discounts or special menus for students.

Studying in Germany can be a life-changing experience for international students. By following these tips, you can save money and make the most of your time in Germany. It is important to plan ahead and budget wisely to ensure a successful and enjoyable study abroad experience.

Choosing the right Kita in Germany

Choosing The Right Kita In Germany

If you’re a parent in Germany, choosing a Kita (short for Kindertagesstätte or daycare center) to register your child in is an essential choice. It can be difficult to pick the perfect Kita, especially for foreigners who may not be familiar with the German educational system. We’ll go through some of the most important things to take into account while choosing the right Kita in Germany in this blog post.


The location is among the first factors to take into account while selecting a school. Do you prefer a Kita that is close to your place of residence or work? Are there any choices for public transportation? Do you favor a Kita in a specific location or neighborhood? All of these things need to be taken into account, especially if you have to drop your child off and pick him or her up every day.

Type of Kita

Kitas come in a variety of forms, including both public and private ones, in Germany. Public Kitas are primarily operated by the local government and are frequently less expensive than private Kitas. On the other hand, private Kitas could provide more flexible schedules, more individualized programs, and smaller class sizes. To find out which kind of Kita is best for your family, it’s vital to investigate the various possibilities that are available in your neighborhood.

Staff and Curriculum

The staff and curriculum are important considerations while choose a Kita. Are the instructors competent and trained? What kind of education and child development does the Kita follow? Do they have any unique programs, such as outdoor education or language immersion? To understand the general strategy and philosophy, it’s crucial to visit the School and speak with the staff.

Facilities and Amenities

Your choice may also be influenced by the amenities and services provided by the Kita. What are the classrooms’ sizes and layout? Is there a garden or playground outside? Are there any additional features that your youngster would enjoy, such music or art rooms? Even while they might not be as significant as other factors, these can impact how your child feels about the Kita in general.

Cost and Availability

Finally, it’s critical to take into account the Kita’s price and accessibility. While some Kitas could have lengthy waiting lists or constrained hours, others might be more accommodating. The cost, including any additional fees or possible subsidies, should also be taken into account. In some circumstances, choosing a Kita that is farther away from your house or work place may be more cost-effective, especially if it provides more cheap options.

Provision of Food

If your kids cannot eat certain food like some particular meats, because of religion or any other reason, it is important to discuss it with the Kita during your first meeting. This is very important so that later the Kita does not insist on offering the foods that your kids cannot eat to them and allow them to choose for themselves.

In conclusion, choosing the right Kita in Germany necessitates careful consideration of a number of aspects, including location, kind of Kita, staff and curriculum, facilities and amenities, cost and availability and the provision of food. You can select the ideal Kita for your child and family by conducting research and personally visiting various Kitas.

If you’re an international parent in Germany and do not speak fluent German yet, you can book a German-speaking helper to accompany you to kitas.

German language | Translation

How is the German parenting style like?

Are German parents strict and controlling? Do they often set rules and restrictions for their children? Learn how the German parenting style is like in this blog post!

The German culture has long been associated with strict discipline and control. In recent years, however, the country has seen a rise in parenting styles that are less rigid. Today, German parents tend to be more open-minded and flexible. This shift began during the 1970s, when the government started promoting a new approach to raising children called “positive parenting.”

If you want to raise a happy and well-adjusted child, perhaps you can take a lesson from the German parents.

1. Don’t be afraid to let them take risks

Risk taking is something we all do at some point in our lives. It’s part of being a kid and it’s important to teach them how to manage risks (when it is age-appropriate). German parents generally let their children experience real life situations where they could fail. For example, if you want to teach your child to ride a bike, don’t just give him a helmet and send him out to ride. Instead, let him fall off a few times before he gets his balance. This will teach him not only how to stay safe but also how to deal with failure.

2. Let them enjoy freedom and independence

It’s important for parents to encourage their kids to be independent. This is one of the things that struck the international parents the most when they visited kindergartens in Germany.

They often feel surprised at how free the kids are when they visited the kindergartens for the first time. Rules are put into place before children can play in certain places without much supervision. Children learn the rules and once the care-takers feel they are ready, they can enjoy their freedom! They lose their right if they break the rules. Their rights are restored after a specified time has passed, and that the children learn to play by the rules again. You might be surprised at just how well it works out.

Learn more about how parenting in Germany can be different from the rest of the world in this blog post where a mom shares her own experiences!

3. Connect with nature every day

Germans love being outside in any kind of weather. They enjoy going to parks and playing sports. Therefore, German parents also appreciate taking their children out into nature. They don’t want to be stuck inside because of the weather, but they do dress warmly when they go outside. “When I told my doctor that I haven’t been jogging much lately because of the weather, I was told ‘there is no such thing as bad weather, just unsuitable clothing. Go wear something warm!'” said the founder of Booka Local, Mei Chi Lo.

The same logic goes for the kids. They have outdoor recess at school. Even it is rainy or windy, they still enjoy the fresh air outside. No excuses.

4. Respect boundaries and privacy

Yes, you read it right. German parents do respect the privacy of their children. Children are not born with any sense of privacy; they learn about personal spaces from observing adults. 

Over the world, many parents and kids fight over the issue of boundaries. A lot of German parents know where to draw the line when it comes to the relationship with their children. If their teenager is responsible and trustworthy, they have earned the trust of their parents, and respecting their space should not be difficult. Therefore, if you ask around, you will be surprised that German parents rarely spy on their kids. “My 18-year-old son is open with me about his sex life and relationships. I am happy to have earned his trust that he feels comfortable to talk to me about these things.” said Tim, a 47-year-old father.

Are you a parent living in a foreign land with your children? If yes, you might want to check this article about “How to raise kids in a multilingual family“.

How to write a German CV

Learn How To Write a German CV

A German CV (Lebenslauf) is an absolute must when you are in Germany, whether it is for studying or work purposes. It is always better to give your German employers a CV in a style they are already familiar with to increase your chances of getting noticed. While German CVs are not too different from those of other countries, it is important to keep in mind that they have their own nuances. Although it does not have a specific version, we created a general guide on how to write a German CV:

Personal Information

This section requires your personal details. Make sure to add the following:

  • Full name (First and last name)
  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • Nationality
  • Marital status
  • Contact information (Email & Telephone number)
  • Passport-size photo
  • Profile – a short description of yourself and your skills / experience / qualifications


In this section, you will write the details about your studies focusing on your secondary and tertiary education. Make sure to include the name of your university and degree/s earned; it is also helpful if you mention modules that have relevance towards the position you are applying for. Students normally add more details about their modules when applying for internships.

Find more about the things you should consider while applying for an english internship here.

Work Experience

Here you will list your previous work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent one. Make sure to add the following:

  • Name and location of the company
  • Dates
  • Title of the position
  • Division, department
  • Key responsibilities

Other skills/achievements

This section will include:

  • Foreign languages (also specify the level)
  • IT Skills
  • Other certifications

Other tips on how to write a German CV:

  • A German CV should be maximum 2-pages long
  • Do not lie and keep it factual
  • List only the experience, skills and qualifications that are relevant to the position
  • Keep it simple and use the same font throughout
  • Bullet points are recommended instead of long paragraphs
  • Check it several times to eliminate any error
  • Adjust your CV for different positions
  • German CVs do not really have a section for hobbies

Here are some online German CV creators that can be useful to you:

Are you a student in Germany who is looking for some fun? Join our Startup Student Contest now and get a chance to win amazing rewards!

are german universities really free

Are German universities really free?

For many students, studying in Germany is a lifetime opportunity. The country offers a unique blend of high quality experiences and great education. The colleges rival other international institutions in other parts of the world. Did you know that you can study at one of the prestigious German universities almost for free?

Well, it is true!

Free college education in Germany

To some extent, studying in a German university will cost you way less than studying in other countries as a foreign student.

The German government abolished international fees that were charged by most public colleges.

If you want to enroll in most colleges, you are only required to pay little fees to cover costs such as transportation and administration. This contribution is referred to as semester contribution. The semester contribution depends on your university of choice.

The situation is quite different for private universities. Here you are expected to pay tuition fees. The amount to be paid is determined by your preferred course and other factors that may be deemed relevant.

Are German universities free?

To answer this question, we must define ‘free’. As an international student, don’t expect to enroll without paying a small fee.

Free, in this case, means subsidized. Instead of paying for everything, the government sponsors your tuition, but you still have to pay for public transportation and administrative costs.

Who qualifies to study for free at a German university?


Whether you are from Europe or outside Europe, you qualify for free university education at a public institution.

The only limitation of being a citizen of a country outside Europe is that you need to apply for a residence permit. Additionally, you need to complete the course you choose within the country.

Universities where you can study for free

Generally, most public universities offer free programs. There are plenty of options to choose from. Here is a list of prominent universities offering free tuition in Germany.

What to expect from free university education in Germany

Most free things in this world don’t bring as much value as other paid options. This is not the case for colleges in Germany. The country hosts as many as 300 universities, all of which offer high quality education and experiences that exceed international standards.

Expect to receive the best when you enroll at a public institution in the country. Even though your university may not feature on the list of top 100 institutions, it doesn’t mean that the teaching offered there will be of low quality.

All educational providers in Germany are fully accredited by strict standards to make them appealing to students from all walks of life.

The decision to abolish tuition fees was simply a move meant to lower the cost of acquiring knowledge to empower people to pursue their dreams and help build the country’s economy.