german supermarket cashier

The Flash of the Checkout Line: Unraveling the Speed of German Cashiers

Have you ever felt like you’ve entered a supermarket speed-dating event when all you did was queue up at the checkout in a German supermarket? If you have, then you’ve encountered the legendary speed of German cashiers. It’s not just a myth; German cashiers are incredibly fast, and there’s a method to the madness. Let’s dive into why German cashiers operate at warp speed, with a few humorous anecdotes to keep things light.

Supermarket Efficiency: The Lidl and Aldi Effect

First on our list is the efficiency mandate set by supermarket giants like Lidl and Aldi. These chains have turned the checkout process into a high-speed sport, setting expectations for their cashiers to scan items at breakneck speeds. It’s like watching a Formula 1 pit stop but with groceries instead of tires. The result? A checkout experience that’s as quick as it is efficient, leaving customers marveling at the speed and wondering if they accidentally hit the fast-forward button on their day.

Take a Seat, Speed Ahead

Unlike in the U.S., where cashiers stand as if bracing for a marathon, European cashiers, including those in Germany, are seated. This comfortable position allows them to concentrate solely on scanning items, turning them into the Yoda of checkout counters – wise in the ways of speed and efficiency, all while conserving energy.

The Customer’s Role: Ready, Set, Scan!

German efficiency extends beyond the cashiers themselves to include customer preparedness. As detailed in Medium, customers are expected to be organized and swift, with their items ready to be scanned and bagged at lightning speed. Imagine a relay race where slow bagging is the only thing standing between you and the finish line. Yes, it’s that intense, and yes, you will be judged silently for not keeping up.

Flexibility at the Register

The setup at German registers further contributes to the cashiers’ speed. With chairs that are attached to the desk, cashiers have the flexibility to sit or stand, allowing for quick transitions and movements. This not only adds to their efficiency but also ensures that they’re comfortable while setting scanning records that would make a barcode blush.

The Checkout Sprint: A Cultural Phenomenon

In conclusion, the remarkable speed of German cashiers is the product of meticulous supermarket policies, ergonomic workplace designs, customer cooperation, and a culture that values efficiency above all. Next time you find yourself at a German supermarket, take a moment to appreciate the skill and precision of the cashier zipping through your shopping like a culinary conductor, leading the symphony of beeps to a swift crescendo.

Remember, in Germany, the checkout line is not just a place to pay for your groceries; it’s a test of your readiness, a tribute to efficiency, and a uniquely German experience that will leave you both bewildered and impressed. So, grab your shopping list, and let’s race – may the fastest shopper win!


Why Supermarkets Take Sunday Off in Germany

Germany is famous for its history, beautiful countryside and technological achievements. It is a land of paradoxes too. One of these has to do with supermarkets that remain closed on Sundays, which can be quite baffling for visitors abroad. This habit is deeply rooted in German culture and reflects their commitment towards family values, work-life balance as well as rest day ideology. However why did they start doing this? And what does it mean for people living there or those who want to shop during weekends? In this article we shall seek answers through exploring various aspects related to such closures in Germany on Sundays from different angles- historical background, current situation, etc.

Understanding Germany’s Strict Shop Opening Hours

Compared to other countries, Germany has a strict policy on opening hours for shops. It is common throughout the country that shops remain closed on Sundays and close earlier on weekdays than many other countries do internationally. However, this is not always the case; bakeries, petrol station shops or supermarkets in train stations provide some relief for those who need to get some last minute shopping. In cities like Berlin, small corner shops known as “Spätkauf” or “Späti” can stay open until late at night – even on Sundays – which offers a brief moment of flexibility within an otherwise rigid structure.

The Silent Sundays: Germany’s Quiet Times

Another idiosyncratic feature of German life is the institution of so-called “quiet times”. These are periods during which noise should be kept to a minimum in order not to disturb the peace of residential areas. Officially, quiet times last from 8 pm until 7 am from Monday to Saturday and all day long on Sundays and public holidays [“] [. During these hours, the usual weekday hustle and bustle gives way to a calm atmosphere that encourages people to rest].

Exceptions to the Rule: Where to Shop on Sundays

Even though Sunday is when most supermarkets close in accordance with the general rule, there are some exceptions to this. Typically found within central train stations of cities and towns are supermarkets that open on Sundays as well. Such places play a vital role for people who travel frequently or live nearby by allowing them purchase food items and other essentials during times when many shops are shut down.

The Historical Context and Modern Adaptations

As far back as 1956, the practice of having strict hours for shopping in Germany was established by law, though it received a major revision in 1996 to reflect changing times. The development of these rules shows how Germany tries to balance business and silence. Interestingly enough, even this regulation has been changed so that Halal meat can also be sold there which means they are willing to cater for different dietary requirements.

Penalties for Breaking the Rules

Germany does not play around with their rules about closing on Sundays and being quiet; if you break them expect a hefty fine between €500 – €2500! [“] This is done in order to maintain the peace and quiet that people have come to hold dear on this day each week; they want everyone to be able rest at least one day.

Conclusion: Embracing the Quiet Charm of German Sundays

The closure of supermarkets on Sundays in Germany is more than just a regulatory practice; it’s a cultural tradition that reflects the country’s values of rest, family time, and respect for personal space. While it may require some planning and adjustment for newcomers, this practice contributes to the unique charm of German life, offering a weekly pause to the hustle and bustle of everyday life. As Germany continues to evolve, the balance between commercial needs and the desire for quiet times remains a testament to the country’s commitment to maintaining a high quality of life for its residents.

job marketing in Germany

The Current Job Market and Opportunities in Germany

As of early 2024, Germany’s employment figures continue to rise with around 45.7 million people in work marking a positive start to the year.[“] Despite difficulties such as an economic slowdown and the impact of rising energy prices, certain industries are actively recruiting foreign workers particularly in tech and manufacturing sectors. Companies based in Bavaria like Siemens, BMW, Adidas and Puma; along with Berlin’s thriving startup scene are notable employers [“].

The adoption of Skilled Worker Immigration Law that includes a new job seeker’s visa set to launch by March 2024 and relaxed visa requirements reflects the country’s commitment towards attracting overseas talents to tackle skilled labour shortage [“].

High-Demand Sectors and Future Job Trends

Looking ahead into the future, there will be tremendous growth expected across some sectors which will provide many opportunities for expatriates;

  • Healthcare and Nursing: Healthcare is still Germany’s biggest employer being projected to grow by 26% until 2035 hence more professionals are needed for this aging population [“]
  • Sustainable Energies and Environmental Protection: These areas offer stable job prospects as they form part of ecological market economy especially climate related technology experts can find good jobs easily. [“] [“]
  • IT and Tech Industries: IT vacancies, particularly for software engineers and STEM professionals, continue to be in demand, driven by digital transformation and the need for digital health and fintech solutions​​​​. [“] [“]

How Booka Local Supports Expatriates

Services offered by Booka Local like online English career coaching and work visa application support are well-positioned to help foreigners understand the German job market better. Recent developments in policy and trends towards streamlining procedures for visas coupled with increased attempts to lure skilled workers from overseas have necessitated such supportive measures.

To sum up, Germany’s job market is wide-ranging and provides various openings for people who have the necessary qualifications and information. Some of the sectors are set to grow rapidly while others will be driven by foreign recruits thanks to government efforts in this direction; hence international citizens can thrive professionally here too. What further enhances these services unique for Booka local is that they prepare expatriates adequately so that they can overcome challenges ahead while seizing opportunities.

If you need more numbers or want greater insights into which way things may be going, please visit sources such as The German Federal Statistical Office​ or​.


Trash Sorting in Germany: Cultural Differences and Waste Management

As an international person living in Germany, navigating the country’s waste management system can be confusing. However, proper trash sorting is essential for environmental sustainability and community health. In this article, we will discuss trash sorting in Germany, how cultural differences and the German mentality come into play, and offer tips for international people on how to properly manage their trash.

At Booka Local, our vision is focused on promoting cultural integration and making life easier for the international community. Although we don’t specialize in waste management, our bilingual helpers are more than happy to offer tips and information on this topic.

Trash Sorting in Germany

In Germany, garbage is divided into four main categories: paper, plastics, biodegradable waste, and residual waste. Each of these categories has its own bin, and it’s important to sort trash properly to ensure that it can be recycled or disposed of in an environmentally-friendly manner.

The waste management process in Germany is highly regulated and differs from other countries. The country has strict regulations and guidelines for waste disposal, and individuals who fail to comply with these rules can be fined.

Cultural Differences and German Mentality

Trash sorting in Germany is not just about following regulations, but also reflects cultural differences and the German mentality. In Germany, there is a strong sense of communal responsibility and a focus on the greater good. As a result, Germans are highly conscientious about their waste management practices and take pride in keeping their communities clean and healthy.

Neighborly relationships also play a role in trash sorting in Germany. Many Germans live in apartment buildings or neighborhoods with shared bins, and improper trash sorting can cause tensions with neighbors. It’s important to understand and respect local waste management practices to maintain positive relationships with neighbors and the community at large.

Credits: 9GAG

Tips for International People in Germany

For international people living in Germany, trash sorting can be a challenge. Here are a few tips to help you navigate the system:

  1. Research local waste management practices: Check with your landlord or property management company to find out the specific waste management guidelines in your building or neighborhood.
  2. Learn the different bins: Make sure you know which bin is for paper, plastics, biodegradable waste, and residual waste. You can usually find this information on the bins themselves.
  3. Keep your bins clean: Germans take pride in keeping their bins clean and odor-free. Make sure you rinse out recyclable containers and regularly clean your bins to prevent unpleasant odors.
  4. Ask for help: Don’t be afraid to ask your neighbors or property manager for help if you’re unsure about how to properly sort your trash.

Proper trash sorting is an essential part of environmental sustainability and community health in Germany. Understanding local waste management practices and respecting cultural differences and the German mentality can help international people navigate the system with ease. At Booka Local, our bilingual helpers are always happy to offer tips and information on this topic to promote cultural integration and make life easier for the international community.

Booka Local | Translation services

How To Get SCHUFA In Germany?

You’ve probably heard about the SCHUFA while browsing for apartments in Germany. It has a huge impact on our daily life, German, and expat alike. Learn more about what is it, why it is needed and how to get it in this  blog post!

What is SCHUFA?

SCHUFA stands for Schutzgemeinschaft für allgemeine Kreditsicherung, in other words, the German credit score. It shows your creditworthiness, which is calculated from your past financial behavior. A company called Schufa Holding AG collects information from various sources, including bank accounts, debit cards, mobile phones, and others, and creates reports about your financial reliability.

When you register your apartment, open a savings account, get internet access for your flat, or get a mobile telephone contract, you automatically begin your SCHUFA records. Each provider asks SCHUFA for permission before accepting you as a new client and thus leaves a record.

Your credit score doesn’t depend on your employment situation or income; rather, it depends solely on whether you pay your debts on time.

How to get a paid SCHUFA report (BonitätsAuskunft)?

The paid SCHUFA report is called “BonitätsAuskunft”.

Note that most landlords require a recent SCHUFA report. It would be best if you buy one when you first begin searching for an apartment. You can easily get a Bonitas Auskunft by ordering it online here! To buy the paid version of the SCHUFA report, click “Jetzt bestellen.” It costs €29.95. You should receive your BonitätsAuskunft in a few days by post.

How to get the SCHUFA for free?

You can get it free once per year. However, the free version is for your own record only as it contains your personal data. For official use, the paid SCHUFA record must be used. You place an online request for the free report and it will be delivered to you by post. Remember that it may take up to four months before the document arrives.

Here’s how you get your free Schufa: Click here, and you’ll be taken to a page where there are two columns; one column is for free, and it’s labeled “Datenkopie”. Click on “Jetzt bestellen” and you’ll get taken to a page where you need to enter some details.

What is a good SCHUFA score?

A very high SCHUFA is at least 97%, and a good one has a minimum of 95%

You begin with a baseline score of 100% when you first get started.

What determines your credit score?

It is determined by whether you’ve paid all your bills on time and in full. Your previous U.S. (or Canadian) scores don’t affect your German SCHUFA, and you cannot use your American scores to apply for loans. With Germany, you get the benefit of having most, if not all of your bills paid automatically every month by bank transfer, so you don’t need to worry about forgetting to pay them. You should avoid opening too many bank accounts and too many credit cards at once, and switching banks too frequently.

You shouldn’t make frequent uses of your overdraft. Sometimes you may need to overdraw your account. To stay financially sound, it’s best not make it a regular habit.

Who actually wants to know your SCHUFA score?

Unless you opt for an account without the Schu­fa minimum requirements, banks usually check your credit rating before approving you for an account. When applying for a loan, your bank also checks your credit worthiness, and your SCHUFA to find out how much interest you might be charged for that loan. Higher risks for the banks mean higher interest rates.

When applying for a new phone or internet plan, or renting a place to live, you need to be aware that they may check when you applied. These companies will be capable of checking your SCHUFA and determining whether you have any unpaid debt, and if you can trust them as a customer or tenant.

Having problems in communicating with your landlord because of language barriers? We can help with that. Simple book a helper here to do the talkings for you!


Life In Germany – How to fight back expat blues?

Leaving your home country and your family behind to travel to Germany must have been really hard for all expats. Most of us must have experienced depression, anxiety, sadness and what not during our first months in Germany. And why not? Germany was a new place with a completely new culture, new people and not forgetting new language for almost all of us. And the depressive winters, TRAUMATIZING!

Well, if you think you are the only one experiencing these feelings, then trust me, you’re not alone!

Expat blues also known as expat depression is when people who move overseas feel what psychologists call the depression of new culture shock. When someone is going through an expat blues, one of the worst feelings that can happen is apathy. This is typically expressed as a lack of engagement and joy. Some common physical symptoms of expat blues are, among others, fatigue, insomnia, crying, loss of appetite or overeating. 

But do not worry! Expats usually get over it with time! 

Here are some ways to control your expat blues to make your stay in Germany more pleasant:

Gather information about Germany

One of the best ways to prevent a culture shock is to gather as much information about Germany as possible. Search about the culture, the people, the places. it is highly recommended you to also join Germany expats’ forums, communities and Facebook groups to see what the expats already here are talking about. You will get a clearer idea of the topics they talk about and also important information about life in Germany.

You can also check InterNations and MeetUp, two very popular expats forums in Germany!

Booka Local also has its own meetup forum for expats where we often have online meetups to chat about different topics! We also hope to plan meetups offline as summer approaches…so, make sure you check out this link of our forum to stay updated with our meetups!

Exploring Germany

Think about it! You are now in GERMANY!!! It is one of the most historical places in Europe. So, why waste such an opportunity? Go explore the country, organise weekend getaways to the castles, visit the spatis with your new friends and attend events which are always happening throughout Germany. These will help you to get more familiar with the country and also keep your mind away from homesickness thoughts…

Exploring Germany also means getting to know the locals! Yes, it is not always easy to befriend Germans, we’ve all been there! Oh, btw speaking of getting to know the Germans, Booka Local has recently launched its ebook “Ask the Locals” where we asked the locals questions that we expats have most certainly have had in our minds! You can now get your own FREE copy!

Create a home

You are now living on your own! Yay privacy!!! Think about it in this way – you can now decorate your new place as YOU want it. You can create your own comfortable little bubble that makes you feel safe and relaxed. Trust me, this makes a huge difference! Try it, buy frames, flowers, plants, lights, and whatever you like and create your personalized home! You will love it.

Keep up with old habits

Once you are in Germany, you do not have to change yourself or your habits. Keep up with your old habits! That is, if you used to exercise in your home country, continue in Germany too! Germany has splendid running and hiking tracks! Make sure you explore them! They’re so worth it! If you were always a person who loves connecting with nature, then Germany has a lot of it’s natural places to offer…You can also find friends online or offline who have the same hobbies as you and plan something together! 

Plan something with family and friends

Invite your friends or family from back home to Germany. Planning a trip with familiar people will give you something to look forward to and the opportunity to see more Germany. 

Many expats make Europe tour plans with their friends and families back home and create great memories. Get yourself motivated for these kinds of trips too. These will help you get more used to Europe as a whole and make you feel more a part of this new continent. 

Share your thoughts

A very important thing to do when you’re having the expat blues is to talk it out. As mentioned earlier, you are not the only one who has been experiencing such feelings, most of the expats have too! Talk to other expats, share your thoughts and feelings! It will make you feel much lighter and will help you to get through those hard days! 

If you are having communication problems due to the language barriers, it is recommended to search for other people from your home country in Germany. This can give you a sense of belonging and therefore make you feel like home. 

Talking to your friends and families back home can also help a lot. Video calling them or chatting with them can help ease your pain and sadness from being away from them. 

Finally, living far from your family and your home country can be really difficult. But remember, among millions of people who dreamt of travelling to Germany, you were in the lucky group who actually made it here! And it’s worth celebrating…expat blues is very natural and goes away with each day you spend in Germany! We hope you can find these few tips helpful to make your days better here!


Streaming in Germany- 11 ways to do it legally

German copyright laws are very strict. Videos should only be streamed or torrented in Germany if the user has registered with a streaming service like Netflix and is aware of its terms, otherwise they might receive big fines (>1000 Euros) and face legal consequences. This blog talks about safe ways to stream to avoid any mishaps. Here are 11 ways to do it legally in Germany:

German Driving Licence for internationals

Everything about Getting a German Driving Licence

It is quite important to have a German driving licence if you are in Germany for a long period of time.

If you want to live in a sparsely populated area that is most likely in a remote city or village, getting proper public transportation services may be hard.

In such a case, getting a driving licence and buying a vehicle will be necessary.

In this post, we will highlight everything you need to know about getting a German driving licence.

Is your foreign licence valid in Germany?

Citizens of EU countries can use driving licences from their respective country. Visitors from non-EU countries can use their original document if it is translated by recognized automobile authority.

This privilege is valid for the first six months, after which drivers are required to transfer their documents in a process known as “Umschreibung”.

How and where to register for a driving licence

After six months of using your foreign non-EU driving licence, you need to apply for the Fahrerlaubnisbehörde or German Driving Licence. Log on to MeldeBox to find a registration office near you.

The office will determine whether you can receive a licence transfer or recommend a test for you. You might want to familiarize yourself with the traffic signs and rules before your test.

Documents needed for a successful licence transfer

  • Your passport or ID card
  • A borderless 35 x 45 mm photo
  • A valid foreign driver’s licence
  • Proof that you completed a first-aid course
  • Proof that you are a resident of Germany.
  • 40 euros cash to pay for the licence fee if tests aren’t required.

You might have to wait for up to six weeks before your licence is ready.

How you can get hold of a German driving licence

If you want to get your first driving licence, here is what you need to do:

  • Register at a “Fahrschule” or driving school. There is a higher chance of finding an instructor who is familiar with your language in big cities.
  • Take the “Erste Hilfe” or first aid course.
  • Visit an ophthalmologist or optician for the “Sehtest”

To be able to drive category C vehicles (lorries) or D (buses), additional documents need to be provided. Find more about licence categories on BMVI.

What is the cost?

The cost is largely dependent on the number of sessions that your instructor feels are ready to prepare you as a driver. As such, it may go beyond 1000 euros.

Do you have more questions about this topic? You can ask us privately or ask the public in our Quick Question community.

spelling name in German language

How to spell names in German like a native?

Speaking German is hard. It can be even harder when you have to communicate on the phone in German and when you are asked to spell your foreign name. Even when you are pretty sure you pronounce the alphabets correctly, the person on the other end always seems to be confused and gets your name completely wrong. 

So how do we get it right?

The rule

Most German spell their name with the help of other vocabularies which consist of mostly old and well-known German names. For example, when your name is Stefan, you can spell your name in this way: Samuel, Theodor, Emil, Friedrich, Anton, Nordpol


Here is a list of the commonly used names or vocabularies. You do not have to memorize the whole list. Remembering those that can help to spell your name will do the magic. 🙂
