Long-term Ausländer in Germany: Navigating Life Beyond Being a Guest

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Living as an Ausländer (foreigner) in Germany offers a unique perspective on culture, society, and daily life. For many, the journey begins with excitement and curiosity, but as time passes, it’s common to encounter challenges that make you feel like an outsider. In this article, we’ll explore the emotions, questions, and strategies associated with becoming more than just a guest in Germany. And remember, if you ever need assistance in navigating the intricacies of German culture, Booka Local is here to help.

Feeling Like an Outsider

The experience of feeling like an outsider in a foreign land is an emotional rollercoaster. You arrive with dreams, but reality often presents hurdles. Cultural dissonance can create moments of frustration or confusion, leaving you questioning your place in this new world. The language barrier compounds this, as effective communication becomes a challenge. Moreover, navigating bureaucratic processes and paperwork can be daunting, making you feel like you’re on the outskirts of a system that isn’t built for you.

The Normalcy of Feeling Like an Outsider

Is it normal to feel like an outsider in a foreign country? Absolutely. This sentiment is part and parcel of the expat experience. Regardless of your destination, expats worldwide often share this feeling. The adjustment period is a natural part of the journey, and it’s normal to go through it as you acclimate to the new environment. While it can be challenging, it’s essential to remember that it signifies growth and adaptation.

Becoming an Insider: Is It Possible?

The dream for many Ausländer is to transition from feeling like an outsider to becoming an “insider” within the German community. Building relationships with locals and fellow expats is crucial. Genuine connections are key to feeling like part of the community. Engaging in local activities, participating in events, and contributing positively to your community can help accelerate your journey to insider status. However, it’s essential to remember that it’s not about erasing your unique identity but enriching it with the culture of your new home.

Navigating Friendships in Germany

One of the most rewarding aspects of long-term expat life is building friendships. However, it can be challenging. Seek out groups or clubs related to your interests; these often provide excellent opportunities to meet like-minded individuals. Language exchange partners are another fantastic way to make friends while improving your language skills. Also, consider attending local events and networking opportunities to expand your social circle. Friendships often form naturally when you actively engage with the community.

Things you can do to make friends in Germany:

  1. Join Local Clubs and Groups: Germany offers a wide range of clubs and interest groups, from sports and hobbies to cultural and community organizations. Joining one that aligns with your interests is an excellent way to meet like-minded individuals.
  2. Language Exchange Partners: Language exchange is a fantastic way to make friends while improving your language skills. Many Germans are open to language exchange partnerships, where you can practice German while helping them with your native language.
  3. Attend Local Events: Keep an eye out for local events, festivals, and gatherings happening in your city or neighborhood. These events provide opportunities to meet both locals and fellow expats.
  4. Participate in Sports and Fitness Activities: Enroll in sports or fitness classes, or join a local sports team. This not only helps you stay active but also introduces you to potential friends who share your interest in physical activities.
  5. Volunteer: Volunteering for a cause you’re passionate about is a great way to meet people who share your values. Germany has a strong tradition of volunteer work, so there are plenty of opportunities.
  6. Attend Cultural Workshops and Classes: Explore local culture by taking part in cooking classes, art workshops, or dance classes. These activities allow you to connect with people who appreciate arts and culture.
  7. Use Social Media and Apps: There are various social media groups and apps specifically designed for expats and newcomers in Germany. These platforms can help you connect with others in a similar situation.
  8. Cafes and Restaurants: Frequent your local cafes and restaurants, especially those with communal seating or cozy atmospheres. You might strike up conversations with regulars or staff. In some “young” and “hip” cafes, it’s not uncommon to meet some staff who speak fluent English.
  9. Networking Events: Attend professional or industry-specific networking events. Besides potential career opportunities, you can meet individuals who share your career interests.
  10. Visit Local Markets and Shops: Explore your neighborhood’s markets and shops regularly. Shop owners and vendors often become familiar faces and potential friends.
  11. Host or Attend Dinner Parties: Hosting or attending dinner parties or potluck gatherings is a great way to bond over food and conversation. Who doesn’t love a nice home-cooked meal?
  12. Use Language Learning Apps: Platforms like Meetup or Tandem are excellent for finding language exchange partners and social events tailored to language learners.
  13. Participate in Outdoor Activities: Germany offers beautiful outdoor landscapes. Join hiking, cycling, or nature enthusiasts’ groups to explore the outdoors with potential friends.
  14. Online Expat Communities: Join online forums, social media groups, or expat forums where you can connect with fellow expats and ask for advice or meetup suggestions.
  15. Attend University or Language School Events: If you’re a student or attending language courses, universities and language schools often organize social events to help students connect.
  16. Host Game Nights: Invite friends, acquaintances, and coworkers for a game night. Games can be a great icebreaker and lead to fun and laughter.

Adapting to Life in Germany

The journey to becoming more than a guest involves embracing both the positives and challenges. Focus on the aspects of German culture and life that you appreciate and enjoy. Embrace the opportunity to grow through overcoming challenges. While there will be moments of uncertainty, facing challenges with a problem-solving mindset can help you adapt to life in Germany. Each day brings opportunities for growth, and long-term life in Germany is a continuous learning process.

Embracing the Culture

To feel less like an outsider, consider adopting certain cultural practices and behaviors. Learn about German customs, traditions, and etiquette, and make an effort to incorporate them into your daily life. Language is a significant aspect of culture, so invest time in improving your language skills to connect with locals. Embracing the culture enriches your experience and enhances your sense of belonging.

The Language Barrier

One of the most significant challenges for Ausländer is the German language. Learning a new language takes time and patience, so be gentle with yourself. Enroll in language courses or hire a tutor if needed. Incorporate German into your daily life by reading, watching TV, or conversing with locals. Language is the key to understanding and engaging with the culture on a deeper level.

Mutual Respect and Understanding

Building positive relationships in Germany hinges on mutual respect. Observe how Germans show respect in their interactions, and practice polite behavior and consideration in your daily interactions. Developing an understanding of cultural norms and practices is vital. Respect is a cornerstone of building meaningful connections and feeling like a valued member of the community.

Overcoming Challenges

Challenges are inevitable, but they’re also opportunities for growth. Approach challenges as puzzles to solve, not roadblocks. Seek support from expat communities, local friends, or professionals when needed. Recognize your resilience and adaptability in navigating challenges. Overcoming difficulties strengthens your sense of belonging and accomplishment.

How Friendly Are Germans to Foreigners?

One common concern is how welcoming and friendly Germans are to foreigners. Germany has a generally welcoming atmosphere for expats and tourists, with many Germans appreciating cultural diversity and often extending their hospitality. While attitudes may vary, your openness and willingness to engage can make a significant difference in your interactions.


Being a long-term Ausländer in Germany is a transformative journey. While the feeling of being an outsider may persist, it’s not a barrier to forming meaningful connections and embracing the culture. Your unique perspective as an expat enriches both your life and the community around you. And if you ever need assistance or guidance, Booka Local is here to support your cultural journey. Embrace your role as an Ausländer, for it is a valuable and enriching chapter in your life story.

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