Being in a new city should be fun. Not scary.
Our locals will do the talking. You can sit back and relax.
Flexible scheduling
Well, please still make sure to book us a bit earlier.
Be it anywhere and with anyone
Your landlord? Finanzamt? We got you.
Our friendly faces
You can count on our bilingual locals to help you solve your problems.
Booka Local has been loved by many of you ❤️
When it happens, kindly ask if our local helpers are free to stay longer to help you. We will send you a payment request after the appointment.
We will try our very best to avoid situations like this. However, when there’s an emergency that our helpers cannot arrive on time or show up, your booking will be fully refunded. In compensating for your loss, you can make the same booking for free.
It is hard to expect how long you will have to wait to speak to a customer service officer. We advise you to give us the phone number beforehand, so we can try it for you before the designated time. It will also be good if you can be flexible with your schedule, so we can catch the right time to make the phone calls. We strongly advise you not to choose anytime around lunch hours, which are often hard to reach anyone on the phone.
You will first connect with our helpers on zoom. Our helpers will then dial the number for you using their phones. They will turn the loudspeaker on so you will be able to join the conversation. In most situations, you will only need to validate your identity with the 3rd party you are calling, and then our helpers will do the rest of the phone call for you according to your request.
After you have booked an appointment, you will receive a confirmation email. There you can see options like “rescheduling” or “canceling” your appointment. After you cancel the appointment, our customer service will contact you concerning the refund.
In case your service involves a 3rd party (e.g. Finanzamt) and this 3rd party cancels the appointment beforehand, it is very likely that we will issue you a 100% refund if you can provide us the proof from the 3rd party. However, if the appointment was only canceled when our helper has already arrived at the meeting location, you may not get the full refund. We will of course review the cases individually.